Child Custody Modification Attorney in Broomfield, CO
Attorney For Divorce Modifications
Assisting Colorado Clients With Child Custody Modifications
The Faletti Law Office, P.C., is a client-oriented law firm dedicated to helping individuals throughout the northern Denver area with a wide variety of family law and divorce matters, including post-decree modifications. Our attorney, Harold Faletti, has been serving Colorado individuals and families for 30 years.
Assisting Colorado Clients With Child Custody Modifications
The Faletti Law Office, P.C., is a client-oriented law firm dedicated to helping individuals throughout the northern Denver area with a wide variety of family law and divorce matters, including post-decree modifications. Our attorney, Harold Faletti, has been serving Colorado individuals and families for 30 years.
To seek a child custody, child support or spousal maintenance modification from the court, you, your ex-spouse or your child must have undergone a significant life change. Examples include:
- You or your ex-spouse wants to move to a different city, state or country. Many times, modifications go hand in hand with out-of-state divorces and parental move-aways, where one of the parties is moving into or out of Colorado.
- Your or your ex-spouse’s income increases or decreases, due to job loss, a new job or other factors.
- Your ex-spouse gains a new significant other who is having a negative impact on your children.
- Your ex-spouse is convicted of child abuse, substance abuse or other crimes that require his or her contact with your children to be restricted.
Addressing Your Unique Needs
Just as every state has different laws about divorce, every divorcing individual has different needs and concerns. The legal system is by definition no respecter of persons, but we understand that the law and its implications will affect you uniquely. We also know that your needs and circumstances will change over time. When this happens, our Colorado law firm can help you successfully navigate the legal process and pursue a post-decree modification.
Talk to a Westminster Child Support Modification Lawyer
If you have undergone a significant life change and need to request a child support or child custody modification, we can help. Set up an initial consultation with our Broomfield lawyer for divorce modifications by calling the Harold Faletti Law Office, P.C., at 303-438-8477 or by contacting us online. We return all messages promptly.